Thursday, December 9, 2010
Industrywalas shud understand the fact that AB's baby's days are over.he himself admitted that he was ignorant about the facts of chittagong uprising wen director ashutosh gowarikar was about to narrate the script...he blamed his schooling in Europe for not knowing the history.blaming sum1 else is not new to this family.they blamed mani ratnam..popularly known as 'mani SIR' down south...the master himself has directed the dud film named ravana....and bacchans blamed mani ratnam for not marketing it properly and poor script of ravana...while on other hand ravana tamil version was a super hit down south with a same script and dialogs...the only difference was the talent and the acting skills which lacked heavily in hindi version. tamil version got critical acclaim asswellas commercial success.
don't know why dis industry wala make so fuss about the the name amitabh bacchan.what has he done for the Indian cinema...think think...not even a single thing .....instead people do forget the real actors mind u m saying actors not heroes or stars..Om puri..nasserruddin shah..Dr. shriram lagu..these were the people who took indian movie to another continent.actors from aditya shrivastav to K K menon....from guru dutt to amir khan these are the actors that budding talent should look up to.
here another favorite director of mine is making a huge mistake by casting AB's BABY in one of his newest venture....GOD BLESS YOU SLB..!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Dr. suniitha krishnan.
the name sunitha krishnan may not sound familiar to most of us.but the amount of contribution this women had for the society,women and children of the second generation of the HIV infected parents..children of sex workers.she also had a notable contribution in fight against sex slavery.
few among us might not b aware of these terms..let me explain you in details.
*second generation of sex worker : women who was dragged into flesh trade,children of these women is called as second generation of sex worker. sex workers are not accepted in our so called cultural the people don't treat the children of these sex workers as a part of their society.hence they are deprived of the basic necessities such as we all know how its difficult for a graduate to land up some job.and for a uneducated person it seems impossible.hence they got no other option other than following their mothers footsteps and get into this flesh trade.
hence, second generation of sex worker because they were forced into this by society by refusing to accept them as a part of society.
DR. sunitha menon has worked towards the betterment of this generation.providing them with sufficient education to live the dignified life..not just the children she is responsible for providing employment to many sex workers across india by providing them industrial skills to work in small scale industries.
*sex slavery : sex slavery is the most heinous type of the name suggest the victim is tortured sexually.
sunitha mennon stand against it firmly.
counseling the victims and providing them with medical support.
till now she has rescued around 2000 women ,children from flesh trade and this is the huge contribution towards the neglected part of the society and humanity.
there is a news going around of sum senior police officer of mumbai police is accused of raping a minor (14yrs).some years ago there was another cop sunil more who was accused of raping a collage student while still on a duty.he was found to be guilty of his charges.
plz every one reading this do not treat women,children as obnoxious creature they deserve the same respect as we have towards other people.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This was the headline for today’s Mumbai mirror. This gave me a rude shock. Mumbai mirror did an awesome job by interviewing a new breed of generation .but being an Indian I have a question is it good that a young fellows don’t know that this ’93 bomb blasts was for?
For those who are still clueless, the dec 6th shook all of the Indians (mind u Hindus nd Muslims)…it was the blackest day for India. Just for the sake of politics some political party tried 2 make a babri masjid a rubble. It would have been an example if people who tried 2 demolish the mosque cud have made an effort 2 make a ram mandir right next 2 it..Wasn’t this idea cool enough to sort out all the so called differences between Hindus and Muslims …for the matter of fact that there was a temple in 14th century but for the matter of fact now its 21st century now lot of things had been changed since then…why the people don’t understand this simple logic. Y can’t a masjid and a mandir co exist @ a same place…just think what a gr8 example it would have been if it existed side by side…!!!but looking at the present state of tension between two groups(I’ll say groups ‘cuz I don’t consider them Hindu or Muslim…they r just bloody politicians who r taking up this matter just for the sake of votes ) ………this bridge will take a longer time then expected….!!!
But while reading a newspaper 1 thought crept into my tiny brain….people they interviewed was around 16-18 and they were born around the same time so I guess they might not have any firsthand experience of such incident…but being just 16 yrs as a normal teenagers they just believe in a policy ‘live and let live. Actually I was really mad at the gal who answered ‘sum bridge’ upon asking her ‘name the structure which was brought down on 6th dec ‘92???
At first instance I said how can anyone be so dumb…such a big huge large case whose final verdict will b out in next 40 hrs ,for which government got all its additional forces at places just in case riots break out ,security tightened up, high alerts everywhere….and this dumb teenager don’t even know what is it about…as a normal teenager she would prefer watching MTV or sum daily soap instead of NEWS… coming upon the point all I want to say that the new generation don’t give a damn!!! Whether it was ram mandir or babri masjid all today’s new generation want is peace…which, if I am ant mistaken all believe in but yeahh!! Always there is an exception….!!!
Cuming upon the verdict all I want to say is nor ISLAM and neither HINDUISM advocated violence..The site because of which lot of homicides took place all over India many people lost their lives is that place suitable for a temple or a mosque??????
Y not to build an orphanage or may be an old age home or a hospital where all the patients will be treated as a human without categorizing them to any religion……!!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
happieee teacher's day
...the above quote clearly states the importance of teachers role in our life.....they show us the right path to choose ..right way to do the things we never did earlier in our life...starting from 'ABCD' to the complex structures of enggneering....many of the great people honored their teachers by a sentence which goes like this "I m here because of my 'teachers',................."
but can any of the teachers at dis modern age,are teaching for the sake of education..??
now a days it is just another career option with well paid per lecture is a business in 21st century.many of us wont deny this.politicitos cuming up with colleges asks a hefty sum of donation on the name of infrastructure improvement it justified move dat parents are paying almost upto 5lakhs for enrolling their nt so well deserving kid into sum top ranking enggneering college...where as another fellow with deserving score are forced to opt for some bachlores degree in science or INDIA education is not that important as compared to your exam person who scores good marks are meant to be genius...but what exactly he is doin is he is just learning the concept...dats it...he gets his degree nd here he goes to join the rat race to earn MONEY...where he never incorporates wat he has learnt...main objective of education is to use what we hav learnt nd lay down new concepts to be followed by others.....same way as the "main motive of the leader is to create new leaders not followers"
"our education system is exam oriented, nt education oriented -Rahul mataghare".
Sunday, August 15, 2010
dirty dirty dirty.........
Once upon a time lived a beautiful Queen with large breasts.
Nick the Dragon Slayer obsessed over the Queen for this reason.
He knew that the penalty for his desire would be death should he try
to touch them, but he had to try.
One day Nick revealed his secret desire to his colleague, Horatio
the Physician, the King’s chief doctor.. Horatio thought about this and
said that he could arrange for Nick to more than satisfy his desire, but
it would cost him 1000 gold coins to arrange it.
Without pause Nick readily agreed to the scheme.
The next day, Horatio made a batch of itching powder and poured a
little bit into the Queen’s bra while she bathed.
Soon after she dressed, the itching commenced and grew intense.
Upon being summoned to the Royal Chambers to address this incident,
Horatio informed the King and Queen that only a special saliva, if
applied for four hours, would cure this type of itch, and that tests
had shown that only the saliva of Nick would work as the antidote to
cure the itch.
The King, eager to help his Queen, quickly summoned Nick to their
chambers.. Horatio then slipped Nick the antidote for the itching
powder, which he put into his mouth, and for the next four hours,
Nick worked passionately on the Queen’s large and magnificent breasts.
The Queen’s itching was eventually relieved, and Nick left satisfied and
hailed as a hero.
Upon returning to his chamber, Nick found Horatio demanding his
payment of 1000 gold coins. With his obsession now satisfied, Nick couldn’t
have cared less knowing that Horatio could never report this matter to
the King and with a laugh told him to get lost.
The next day, Horatio slipped a massive dose of the same itching
powder into the King’s underwear. The King immediately summoned Nick.
The moral of the story – Pay your bloody bills !!!
jokezzzz...its dirty..
The beautiful secretary of the president of a bank goes on a sight seeing tour with a very rich African king who was a very important client. Out of the blue the king asks her to marry him. Naturally, the secretary is quite taken back. However, she remembers what her boss told her… don’t reject the guy outright. So, she tries to think of a way to dissuade the king from wanting to marry her. After a few minutes, the woman says to the man, “I will only marry you under three conditions. First, I want my engagement ring to be a 75-carat diamond ring with a matching 200-carat diamond tiara.”
The African king pauses for a while. Then, he nods his head and says, “No problem! I have. I have.”
Realizing her first condition was too easy the woman says to the man, “I want you to build me a 100-room mansion in New York. As a vacation home, I want a chateau built in the middle of the best wine country in France.”
The African king pauses for a while. He whips out his cellular phone and calls some brokers in New York and in France. He looks at the woman, nods his head and says, “Okay, okay. I build. I build.”
Realizing that she only has one last condition, the secretary knows that she’d better make this a good one. She takes her time to think and finally she gets an idea, a sure-to-work condition. She squints her eyes, looks at the man and says, rather coldly, “Since I like sex, I want the man I marry to have a 14-inch penis.”
The man seems a bit disturbed. He cups his face with his hands and rests his elbows on the table, all the while muttering in African dialect. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the king shakes his head, looking really sad, and says to the woman, “Okay, okay. I cut. I cut.”
Monday, June 7, 2010
Mockery of law
It was one of the chapters from our textbooks when we were in school…….people who lost their loved and dear ones,waited patiently for its final verdic …I am talkin about that tragedy when a gas leak from Union carbide india ltd. Had a gas leak from one of its plant. This caused world’s worst industrial disaster killing 15,134 people nd affected more than 6 lakh of people in bhopal….who r still dying every day due to the ever lastin effect of the gas leak…..…
Methyl isocynite it ws this gas who created a havoc in many peoples life……and affected millions of other….The case got delayed for freakin 26 years … can it be possible that one of the world’s largest disaster in recent era took 26 years for its final verdic ….people affected nd activist kept the flame alive.For the hope of justice…in return what they got was nothing as compared to the magnitude of thed disaster…
Not so known fact is that …..methyle isocynide was first imported from US but it took almost of a month to reach the consignment to bhopal…so inorder to reduce the production cost… they decided 2 set up a plant in Bhopal itself……...most of the workers working in this department was not at all skillled and unexperience….so the the tragedy was on the cards.
When recently there was an oil spill near the coasts of US…..Prez.Obama asked BP(british petroleum)
To pay for the damages of coastal region and also endangering the flora nd faunas of the region…also causing the great danger for ducks and dolphins……….
Dats why people in india are wonderin wether life of indians are cheaper dan ducks nd dolphins………..?????
Friday, April 9, 2010
BOMBAY GYMKHANA.....Elite peoples club?
derz sum info abt lakshmi....a renowned citizen from Thane. A transgender herself, Lakshmi's talk was a powerful commentary on the prejudices and hypocrisies of the so-called main-stream society, based on her own personal experiences. That her commanding presence was tall and enlightened should come as little surprise, given that not for nothing has she represented all the transgenders and hijras of South-Asia in the UN General Assembly. She is also the founder member of Astitva, a Community Based Organisation working for the upliftment of sexual minorities. She is responsible as well for creating a third option in passport forms in India – Male, Female and Others!......person of such high caliber was outsted becaus of her sex...!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

UP is passing through very troubled times. Governance in the state is transitory (6 governments in a 10 years term of Uttar Pradesh Assembly) administration insensitive to such segment of population and law / order gone completely haywire. Exploitation, injustice, enslavement, deprivation of fundamental human rights of food has reached its zenith. The chasm between 'haves' and 'haves not ' is broadening-neo riches are obtaining riches; opulence and poor are getting further poor. We boast Food self sufficiency and enough of food grains in our offers but 60% women and children of UP country are malnourished and 50% of them dangerously suffering the pangs of severe and acute malnutrition. Uprooted from the homes and in rural areas by confiscation of their cultivable residential land by expanding urban posh colonies have turned millions into penury, squatter population, slum dwellers and inhuman conditions. Women and children are at the worst receiving end.
In normal circumstances the common people of the country and U.P. and Uttaranchal is unaware about the fundamental rights/human rights and entitlements because of the higher rate of illiteracy, this reduce their potential access to the entitlements. Another segment of the public has been compelled to compromise with the situations as the gainful employment opportunities are shrinking in both organized and unorganized sectors. Because of the lack of awareness about the legal provisions and entitlements atrocities against them are increasing and their vulnerability is increasing.
Traditionally Uttar Pradesh is a agriculture based economy and agriculture and allied activities are the main source of livelihood for nearly 82% of the population and out of the total population belonging to farming community nearly 80% belongs to small marginal and land less farmers. Forest based tribal communities are migrating in the urban and suburban areas in search of gainful employment and most of them involved as contract worker in construction and allied activities and exploited by the employers or contractors. They are not in a position to exercise their normal citizens rights and they have almost no access to the minimum basic facilities and government welfare schemes & programs. There are several constitutional and legal provision and enactments by the Government for the protection of human rights to common citizens. Furthermore we are a democracy and our focus is social welfare and as per Indian Constitution people have the Supreme power. But in spite of these commitments and provisions human rights glaringly and ruthlessly pummelled. Infant and under 5 mortality including maternal mortality rates are abhorrently high in spite of billons of dollars of foreign aid loan grant has been squandered away and is still continuing. In spite of bumper crops 60% women and children are suffering the pangs of malnutrition and 50% of them suffer from that severe acute level from where death is a day away.

people from every sector opposed this move,nd they should oppose it it makes a logic to oppose the move,she even sacked a karnataka party wing's man for speaking against it.what the hell.,here people are opposing her move to accept the the million dollar garland nd i dont see any apology comin.God bless mayawati and give her some brains to run the governmenta and GOD bless UP.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Battel of SEXES...:)

hey fellas,
this gender equality stuff wich is going around,does it hav any logic behind it..?
B'coz i don get any.this people talk about gender eqality nd they ask for womens reservation?.idiots.this ways women hav more advantage.if womens really want 2 be treated as equal to mens,then they should give away there reserved seats to men in buses..will they able to do it??obviously obviously dont tell a women to vacate a seat when they are seating in general seats.but on other hand they bluntly ask us to vacate.i dont get the point.i respect women but why this hypocrit move huh?
wats your take on it.?
same applies to the ppl who demand that they should be treated as same as other people in the country.then why the hell they want a reservation??
when a mass murder llike khairlanji happend..y did media hyped ws pathetic,i kno wat othr people did to those dalits were wrong..but i mean to say that it cud hav been any othr person or people.nd dis media walas they mention a 'dalit' evry time a dalit suffer.y do they hav to mention
when they ask for eqality treat them as a normal people,mention them as a normal indian.
i kno dat dalits had gone through hell pre independance and also fr sum tyme after independance.
Most of the people made a good use of the opprtunity of this facility and improved their standard of living i appreciate those people.but now things are different people take undue advantage of this facility.
There should be a reservation ,but only for the people who are financially backward.this is the only way we could bring eqality among us.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
pakistani idiots....
Friday, January 8, 2010
pakiz on a HOLIDAY....!!!!
read MM 2day nd guess wat..?
chk dis out.......
wat iz dis crap.....u kno all of frndz arnd me ws against me wen i said pakistan iz hell..but ppl livin der r same as we r .....but dey had anothr opinion.....normally a ppl frm mumbai ...or lets say india will think da same as ma frndz did......but i had dis thing in me dat made me think dat ppl in PAK want nd deserve a better living....but i didnt get dis thing....wat will 11 ppl frm a land dat evry bdy loves 2 hate(most of INDIA)...will do here....lookin @ those ppl day seems 2 b onna holiday just 2 visit da hi-fi places like taj, nd dine in classy uptown xpensive restu. defend their country with same crap as Mr.zardari did...musarraf did...nd god knows who....guyz if ny1 of u readin dis page just think abt it......peace could nt b imposed....nor it could b brought just by comin dwn 2 INDIA nd givin 1 or 2 press conference.....if u really wanna peace in your neighbourin country den do 1 thing instead of comin here in INDIA go in rural nd remote place of ur country nd preach peace der.....ppl in INDIA will nevr fire da first bullet.....nd if u guyz left with sum spare tyme aftr partyin arnd in mumbai ,dinin in expensive restu. den visit all the MARTYRS who laid their life 2 defend us frm a bunch of ppl came frm ur land(nooo...dont defend urself....dey wer frm ur land)............but i still think der r lotta ppl in PAKISTAN has a golden heart as same as most of da indian....nd i still do believe in what i said ppl in PAK deserve a good living....